Experience Lean in action 

Like so many companies, our reasons for exploring and adopting Lean were driven as a direct result of the issues we were experiencing on a daily basis.

Our business had grown steadily since we began in 2007 but our problems were also growing every year. We seemed to be stuck in a vicious cycle of constant mayhem, firefighting, workplace accidents and high staff turnover; all resulting in a high stress environment.

We were still delivering a good quality service to our customers but just barely.


If you are wondering what you & your company could Learn from the “ Adman Lean Tour” take a look at some of the feedback:


Companies who have joined us on our Lean Tour:


The cost of the tour is €250 + vat per person attending.

Our Lean Factory Tour is a Not For Profit venture and all funds raised are donated to employee nominated charities and amateur sporting organizations annually – Click here for details of our first €40,000 distribution to 10 community based Sports clubs. 

About the Tour:

The Lean Tour starts at 8.30am with a quick meet and greet with your hosts followed by joining us with all staff members at our Daily Morning Meeting. After the meeting the tour will then take you through our offices & factory showcasing Lean processes & principles at every step of the way. Our employees will take you through how they have implemented Lean in their areas & the direct benefits they have seen. The Tour finishes at 12.00pm. Questions are welcome throughout the tour and there will be sufficient time at the end for additional questions also.

** Please note: Parts of the Tour will take place outdoors – Please wrap- up & layer -up in preparation**

If you or your company has an interest in Lean, we would love to have you join us on one of our Factory Tours. Please complete the form below and we will be in contact with further details.

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Our Journey:

As a company we always had some awareness of Lean (or thought we did). We knew about Henry Ford, The Toyota Way and had watched all the videos on the Boeing moving assembly lines but we really had no idea where to start or begin.

In 2019/2020 we started to explore the subject more intensely, but we were really struggling to make any gains with regard to implementation. Everything just seemed very complicated and hard to achieve.


In 2020 we were also recommended a book by one of our main suppliers, called “2 Second Lean” written by Paul Akers. Reading the book was a real lightbulb moment for us and for the first time Lean seemed achievable. We visited our supplier’s factory and were blown away by their morning meeting and the simplicity of their approach.

The staff at Adman Steel Sheds have learned so much by visiting other Lean companies. We are incredible grateful to have been granted full access to their offices and factory floors.

We had watched the videos online and read the books, all of which are very valuable but none of this compares to getting out of the business and seeing Lean in action, which is why we are now doing the same.


Watch Ryan Tierney’s “Lean Made Simple” Tour of our Factory  & see some of our Lean Processes in action – Click to watch: Factory Chaos to Lean